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Freddie Mercury Quiz

1. Where was Freddie Mercury born?

a. Zanzibar

b. India

c. Egypt

2. What was his original name?

a. Farrokh Bulsara

b. Federico Makkura

c. Mohammed Hamyouni

3. His parents were

a. Turkish.

b. Egyptian.

c. Persian.

4. He went to school in

a. Kenya.

b. India.

c. England.

5. Apart from music, what was his favourite subject at school?

a. biology

b. modern languages

c. art

6. When he was 20, he went to

a. Ealing College of Art.

b. The Royal College of Music, London.

c. Merton College, Oxford University.

7. He met the other members of Queen through

a. a college friend.

b. a member of his family.

c. a member of his first band.

8. His first band was called

a. Led Zeppelin.

b. Cream.

c. Ibex.

9. True or False? Freddie Mercury didn’t actually write Queen’s greatest hit Bohemian Rhapsody.

10. Which country did Freddie Mercury fall in love with after touring it in 1975?

a. Japan

b. The U.S.A.

c. Italy

11. Which of these films didn’t he write material for?

a. Metropolis

b. Flash Gordon

c. Champion

12. In the late 80s, he had a huge hit called

a. Madrid.

b. Barcelona.

c. Valencia.

13. Freddie Mercury died as a result of

a. AIDS.

b. cancer.

c. a heart-attack.

14. In 1992, Queen played a tribute concert for Freddie Mercury. Who took the part of Freddie as lead singer?

a. George Michael

b. Elton John

c. Sting

L esson 75.

  1. Vocabulary

T he mass media are part of our life. They can be divided into several types as below. Which words do you associate with each of them? Use the ones from the box and add other.

Look at the following images.

  1. R eading

Match the texts and the images with the suitable titles given below

1. Washington, DC – Between 75 and 90 per cent of teenagers in the United States use the Internet to e-mail, instant message (IM), visit char rooms and explore other sites on the World Wide Web. According to the latest research presented in a special issue of Development Phycology, published by the American psychological Association (APA), spending a lot of time on the Web can have negative and positive effects on young people, i.e. the sense of loneliness and the lack of human need by some and the improvement of academic performance by others.

2. There are different types of cyber crimes. They vary according to the use that is made of the computer itself: the computer or networking is a tool of the criminal activity. This includes spamming and certain intellectual property and criminal copyright crimes, particularly those facilitated through peer-to-peer networks; the computer or network is a target of criminal activity. This includes unauthorized access (i.e. defeating access controls), malicious code, and denial-of-service attacks; the computer or network is a place of criminal activity. This includes theft of service (in particular, telecom fraud) and certain financial frauds.

Finally, examples of traditional crimes facilitated through the use of computers or networks include social engineering frauds (e.g. “phishing”), identity theft, online gambling, securities fraud, etc. Cyber stalking is an example of a traditional crime – harassment – that has taken a new form when facilitated through computer networks.

3. “They have ads of how you should dress and what you should look like and this and that and then they say, “but respect people for what they choose to be like.” Okay, so which do we do first?”

Kelsey, 16, quoted in Girl Talk

The average North American girl will watch 5,000 hours of television, including 80,000 ads, before she starts kindergarten.

Magazines are the only medium where girls are over-respected. However, almost 70 per cent of the editorial content in teen magazines focuses on beauty and fashion, and only 12 per cent talks about school or careers.

4. According to Nielsen Media Research Inc., the average American watches TV for 4 hours 32 minutes every day. The time people are spending in front of the TV, in spite of the warnings about obesity and other negative effects, strongly suggests that America has a serious TV addiction problem. In fact, a scientific American study found that TV acts like an addictive drug.